Bootstrap Check

Other Features

Our chat engine has very minimalistic interface yet offers some very effective features.

Delete Last

Deletes last chat message.

Purge Memory

Clears whole chat memory. You will not be able to recover it. Chat will not keep memory of your past conversation. You will be able to start building conversation memory from the beginning

Clear screen

This routine clears the screen but conversation is still there, when you refresh the screen.

Memory Settings

Conversation Memory Buffer keeps your conversation life. Thanks to it conversation agent remembers questions and responses. Bigger memory will cause bigger token consumption. Screen Memory Buffer is number of messages you will see on the screen. It does not cost anything. You can clear screen with Clear Screen button.

Deleting account

You will find the option in settings (wrench tool - top right corner). This action is unrecoverable. You will delete your account, chat history and all remaining tokens. You will always be able to create new account when you need it.